Thursday, August 2, 2012

Avalon: The Warlock Diaries, Book 1

Avalon: The Warlock Diaries, Book 1
by Rachel Roberts
Seven Seas Entertainment, 2009

Genre: Fantasy, Graphic Novel

Honors: unknown

Review: This is Rachel Roberts' first comic book series and it center around three middle school girls who have unique magical gifts and each are protected by a "bonded," similar to the idea of a familiar. Like many other mages, Emily, Kara, and Adriane are on a mission to find a mythical city, Avalon. It is known as the source of all types of magic in the world, and it is only accessible through a particular sequence of portals. As the mages try to figure out the sequence, and unexpected visitor arrives, one who the girls and their familiars thought no longer existed. While the new warlock in town has magic and animals in tow, his quest to find Avalon has different motivations from Emily, Kara, and Adriane, and the actions of his servants are highly suspect. This action series comes complete with drama, cute boys, and lots of butt kicking.

Opinion: This series comes across as a sort of a tame version of Sailor Moon. It also reminds me of the W.I.T.C.H. series. Very girly and cute, so I'm doubting boys would be interested in it, but it may click with both younger and older tween girls.

Ideas: This one goes on the list of comic character heroes youth can dress up as for a super hero day at the library.

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